A large portion of this development cycle was spent on printing issues. In fact, I got so fed up with it, I ported WordTsar from wxWidgets to QT. Doing so helped me find the issue with wxWidgets printing (it’s a weird workaround), so the QT port has stopped (it works quite well though). The port also showed me how embedded wxWidgets was into this project, even where maybe it shouldn’t be, so I see a code cleanup in the future.

In this Release:
- added .IG command based on user request
- added spell checking (currently Linux only)
Bugs Fixed
- printing should now look the same under Windows and Linux
- creating a block ^KB – ^KK didn’t properly highlight the block
- corrected caret so should now work under all OS’s (needs testing)
Known Issues
- RTF import and export of headers and footers is incomplete
- ^KP still not implemented, use ^OP
- OSX keyboard input is incomplete
See ticket system
For those interested, here is a screen shot of the QT version. It looks close to the same, but there are minor differences.