Release 0.3 Build 562

There have been a fair amount of core changes to this version. If you use WordTsar on a daily basis, make sure you keep the old version around… just in case.

Fixed Ticket #57 ^KP implemented to ^OP


Implemented menus. These menus closely match Wordstar's. It should make things easier for people not familiar with Wordstar.


0.3.562 has not been extensively tested on MacOS. Linux and Windows use has been medium.
I am personally putting it into daily use (eat your own dog food).
I haven’t had a crash lately, but it can still happen. BE CAREFUL!
A backup of your file is made every 1 minute (not when opening DOCX files).
The initial page/paper size is 8.5" x 11"
Download the implemented.xlsx file to see what’s done and what’s next (slightly out of date).
the 0.3.x releases use UTF8 for all in-memory storage of the document. This required some large changes in the backend (dropping the gapbuffer document storage for a paragraph based storage system, as well as a ton of changes in layout and document management. That's why this is labeled pre-alpha instead of alpha.

Release 0.3 Build 409

This is marked as pre-alpha because of the Unicode backend changes… it is stable for me, but I don’t do a lot of Unicode work. RTF and DOCX File IO isn’t unicode aware yet either.

It’s been awhile since I made a release… I was exceedingly busy finishing a novel I had under contract, so it took precedence over any other work.

Fixed Bugs
– Fixed Ticket #46 (Regression) “Save” should “Save as” if the file has not been saved before
– Fixed Ticket #47 WordTsar seems to be unable to print only one line of text.
– Fixed Ticket #49 ^KD and ^KQ not working correctly on edited document
– Fixed Ticket #50 backup file not path-joined
– Fixed Ticket #52 Deleting pages does not lower page count in the status bar
– Fixed Ticket #53 File Save quietly fails

Note on Wordstar fonts

Switching from WxWidgets to QT lost us some granularity on fonts. With WxWdigets, I was able to find out if a font was serif or san serif, proportional or monospaced, and even what codepage it was from. I haven’t figured out how (or if) I can do that in Qt yet.
Any Wordstar file loaded with font information will saved with that font information intact. If you insert new fonts during editing and save, those new fonts will be converted to Courier or Times New Roman, since the only information Qt gives me is proportional or monospaced. Ugh.

Release 0.3 build 313

This is marked as pre-alpha because of the Unicode backend changes… it is stable for me, but I don’t do a lot of Unicode work. RTF and DOCX File IO isn’t unicode aware yet either.

This is a bug fix only release, and all users are recommended to update.

Fixed Tickets #37 RTF files not saving
Fixed Tickets #36 Catch Window close to possibly save file
Fixed Tickets #35 DOCX incorrectly says it can save files
Fixed Tickets #34 Wordstar save fonts failing
Fixed Tickets #32 Crash on macOS when exiting
Fixed Tickets #30 page break spacing while editing

Note on Wordstar fonts

Switching from WxWidgets to QT lost us some granularity on fonts. With WxWdigets, I was able to find out is a font was serif or san serif, proportional or monospaced, and even what codepage it was from. I haven’t figiured out how (or if) I can do that in Qt yet.
Any Wordstar file loaded with font information will saved with that font information intact. If you insert new fonts during editing and save, those new fonts will be converted to Courier or Times New Roman, since the only information Qt gives me is proportional or monospaced. Ugh.

What happened to 03..312?

I released it with RTF file saving turned off, so I deleted the release and did a quick update to 0.3.313 with that error fixed.

Release 0.3 build 276

This is another large release. This is the first stable release with a complete UTF-8 based backend. I’m still calling it pre-alpha because I’ve only really run it on Linux (quite extensively).

In this Release:

  • UTF-8 Backend (see below for tech details)
  • New RTF loader (less complete, but more robust)
  • New DOCX loader (incomplete, but not bad)

Bug Fixes:

  • Yeah, a lot of corner-cases from moving to UTF-8
  • Actual UTF-8 data entry from keyboard has not been tested, just copy from web to WordTsar.
  • I reset the build number for this release. Don’t ask me why, I can’t remember.

Tech Details

Every version of WordTsar has been using a gapbuffer for it’s underlying document buffer. Adding UTF-8 support added created issues with the single buffer issue. We now use a plain buffer per paragraph, and have seen some slow downs because of it. We’ve added caching that should get around that.

Carat movement is all grapheme based. If a grapheme is made up of multiple codepoints, deleting will remove the entire grapheme.

The File save and load routines don’t fully understand UTF-8 yet. Wordstar file save and load most likely never will.

I’m a Canadian English writer. All of this UTF-8 stuff needs more testing than I was able to give it.

WordTsar 0.2.2073 Released

I’ve used and am using this version extensively on Windows and Linix. There has been minimal testing under MacOS.

In this Release:

  • Fixed Ticket 18 (MacOS)
  • Fixed Ticket 17 (MacOS)
  • Fixed Ticket 15 (MacOS)
  • Fixed Ticket 16
  • Added full justification of text .ojon

Known Issues:

  • ^KP not implemented, use ^OP
  • .pt command can only be used once per document
  • See Ticket System at Sourceforge